Selection of ski length

When choosing skis, it is important to correctly determine their length. In forum answers, it is usually advised: "To the nose", or "To the eyes", or something like that. But there are ways to objectively calculate the ski length based on the skier's data. The calculator answers the main question: how to determine the length of skis?

The calculator offers three fields:
- the number of kilometers you plan to travel by car;

Here are implemented 4 calculation methods: for universal skis (called All-Mountain), carving skis for prepared slopes (All-Round), and skis for small skiers from 3 to 13 years old. Fill in the fields with your data and press the button. Required fields are highlighted in red, without these values calculation is impossible.

Length of universal skis (All-Mountain)

Your height (cm)
Your weight (kg)
Type of skis
Your qualification
 Your preferred style
Ski length (cm)  
Length of universal skis (All-Mountain). Method 2

Your height (cm)
Your weight (kg)
Type of skis
Your age (years)
Your qualification
Purpose of the skis
Ski length recommended by the company (cm)
 Ski length (cm) 
Length of slope skis (Carve and Allround). Method

Your weight (kg)
Type of skis
Your qualification
Your usual speed
Ski length (cm) 
 Radius (m) 
Ski length for children (3-13 years)

Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Age (3-13 years)
Experience and character of the child
Ski length (cm)