Brick consumption

If you are a professional builder or just doing construction for yourself, you will still need to make calculations. One of the most popular building materials – is brick, and before you is an online calculator with which you can easily calculate its consumption based on the required parameters. For this, you need to specify the size of the masonry and bricks, as well as the area of the walls, and as a result, the calculator will provide data on how much brick and cubic meters of mortar you will need.

For complete accuracy, an image is placed next to it, where you can see how the masonry will look in half-brick, one, one and a half, two, and two and a half. Moreover, the brick calculator indicates the wall thickness, from 120 mm to 640 mm, depending on whether you use single, one and a half, or double stone.
The average calculation of brick consumption is given c taking into account a mortar joint thickness of 5mm.

Wall area m2
Brick and masonry size value - consumption per 1 m2
Brick consumption pcs
Mortar consumption cubic meters