Resonant frequencies in a room

The procedure for calculating the resonant frequencies in a room is quite complex, and if a person does not specialize in this field, obtaining the data will be quite difficult. The presented calculator will perform the entire procedure instantly in automatic mode. Manual data processing would take a lot of time and require many formulas.

* Special attention should be paid to resonances matching up to 2 Hz in two or three columns.

Room dimensions


Resonant frequencies in Hz

Sound waves have parameters such as frequency, length, and period. As an example, you can take a rectangular room, if the value of the sound wave, namely half the length, equals one of the room parameters (height, length, width), then it is greatly amplified, and this phenomenon is called resonance. These resonant frequencies are called modes and are numbered in ascending order.

To calculate resonant frequencies with maximum accuracy, it is correct to use a calculator.