Greatest common divisor of two, three, and more numbers

This calculator is designed for finding the greatest common divisor of two, three, and more numbers online.
Divisors of the number n – are numbers that divide the number n exactly, that is, without a remainder. Natural numbers can have two, three, or more divisors. A number is called prime if it is divisible only by itself and by one.

Several numbers can have the same divisors, which are called common divisors. If one is the only common divisor of the numbers, then such numbers are called coprime.
Among the common divisors of numbers, the greatest one is highlighted. The greatest common divisor (abbreviated as GCD) of two, three, and more numbers – is the largest number by which these numbers are divided without a remainder. The greatest common divisor of coprime numbers is by definition equal to one.

For those users who are interested in how to find the greatest common divisor of two, three, and more numbers on their own, we present a sequence of solving this problem. First, it is necessary to break down the divisors of the numbers into prime factors. Secondly, the same prime factors of these numbers are highlighted. Thirdly, it is necessary to multiply the found same prime factors of the numbers. The resulting product of the same prime factors will be the greatest common divisor of natural numbers.

To quickly find the greatest common divisor of numbers, it is not necessary to go through all the stages of solving on your own. Just enter the numbers in the corresponding calculator cells and press the button «Calculate».

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