Percentage Change
What is the concept of percentage change used for – percentage change? This is the relationship between the initial and final value, respectively, the old and the new. The difference is expressed as a percentage.
Data is calculated using the formula: ((V2-V1)/V1) × 100. Where V1 – old value, and V2 – new. Let's give an example, xt – variable. The change must be determined as Δx=xt–xt-1. According to the formula, the percentage change will be calculated as follows: l00Δxt/xt-1. Let's take xt=50, xt-1=40. The percentage change (percentage change) will be 100(10)/40=25%.
All calculations are easiest to perform using an online calculator. There is no need to spend time calculating data using the formula. You can simply enter the values into the appropriate fields and get the result.