Line Equation, Function

Equation of a straight, infinite line with the shortest path between any points with coordinates x1,y1 and x2,y2 on the plane, represents a first-degree equation A x + B y + C = 0.


Angle of inclination
Intersection with the axis Y
Formula for a parallel line
Formula for a perpendicular line

The calculator, in addition to the line equation for the initial data x1,y1 and x2,y2 provides information on the angle of inclination and the coordinate of the line's point when intersecting with the coordinate axis Y, as well as formulas for parallel and perpendicular lines in relation to the original.

If for engineering or research needs it is necessary to determine a line in space, you can use the following formula: (x - x1) /( x2 - x1) = (y - y1) /( y2 - y1) = (z - z1) /( z2 - z1). It is essential to maintain the inequality condition between x1 and x2, y1 and y2, z1 and z2.