Angle of Inclination of a Line


Angle of inclination
Intersection with the axis Y
Formula for a parallel line
Formula for a perpendicular line

The angle of inclination of a line in various applied engineering and fundamental mathematical calculations is expressed through its tangent; during calculation, you need to divide the change in coordinate «at» by the numerical value indicating the change in coordinate «x» - (y2-y1) / (x2-x1).

The correctness of the calculation can be checked through the direction of the line. If it shows downward direction from left to right, the tangent should be negative. In other cases tg the angle of the straight line is positive.

The value of the tangent in the line formula y = mx +b equals the angular coefficient m, «b» characterizes the shift of the line observed along the coordinate axis «Y».

Example: y=0.1x + 4 in this line formula m = tangent of the line's angle of inclination = 0,1. The shift of the line b = 4.