Calculate floor screed mix

To perfectly level the floor, a cement screed is used, which is rightfully considered the most economical and reliable. It is in high demand in various premises: country houses, offices, apartments, shops, cafes, garages, etc.

On top of this screed, some type of flooring is applied. But to avoid overspending on this material, we recommend performing some calculations that will save money and allow you to estimate in advance how much leveling the floors will cost. Also, remember that it is very important to correctly follow the floor pouring, adhering to the technology. However, not everyone knows how to calculate the floor screed mix.

One of the methods is calculating using an online calculator. To do this, you need to measure the width and length of the room in meters, as well as the height of the screed. After performing the calculations, you will know exactly how much cement, sand, and water you need to perform the floor screed.

But after calculating the floor screed mix, you need to decide on the composition. They come in several types, and their type is chosen depending on the requirements that the coating must meet.

Room width, m
Room length, m
Screed height, cm

Cement kg
Sand kg
Water l